Friday, September 3, 2010

Insect Wings

Insect Wings
I am more soul then matter
mind more then appearance
quiet and odd.
A dreamer and non realist
the universe isn't my limit.
Earths moon is but a start.
Galaxy colors run through my head
and make up my soul.
I am the music no one's ever heard
I see with eyes that that I share with God.
My body isn't real, it does not exist,
my soul is the only real thing, and it flys free
It carries my body with insect wings,
thin and weightless around the unconscious of dreams.
Is there more to life then the beauty of dreams?
I am disconnected from society wanting no part in it.
I may appear to be jus another girl,
wearing earings and stockings,
but when you look at me agian
Notice I am a bluish tint, bald and alien like.
If I could eat trees and swollow rocks,
I would just to keep me from floating in the sky.
And then agian I don't mind
I rather live way up high
And be transparent to human eye.
Just finished another peice. Water color, and acrylic. Turned out pretty good :) I wrote the free verse before I began on the drawing. I was really inspired by the words the flowed so gently out of my head and on paper. The drawing is a self-portrait, or at least a soul portrait but of course theres more then whats just on paper. Enjoy.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, s(he) is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

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